Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Time!!

HO HO HOOOOOOOH.............

Yup, it is Christmas time again. It really snuck up on me pretty quickly!! Dang!!

Thankfully, I am in a much better place emotionally than I was a year ago. I had recently returned from living in Long Beach, CA. Coming back here was heartbreaking. I felt defeated. Unsure of what was next. I remember not wanting to play holiday music because I was so NOT feeling festive. The first few months in Indiana found me moody and emotional. Lots of tears. Lots of eating (we won't discus how much weight I've gained since winter 2010- UGH!) I don't think I really got back to myself in alot of ways until summer 2011. I began to feel more hopeful again. I could see that God was working on things.

This Christmas, I feel very inspired. I have grown a lot spiritually this year. I feel even more secure in who I am and what my role is. I had a prophetic word spoken over me recently that confirmed alot and leaves me feeling very confident in what God's cooking up for me. I am super excited because my best friend Eric is coming to town next week for an almost 2 week vacation. Watch out- Eric & Earl's Excellent Adventure: Winter Takeover is ON!!! While he's here, we'll shoot some new performance clips for my YouTube channel as well as a couple of vocal tip videos. Good times!!

I decided to include a clip of me singing a bit of Luther Vandross' "With A Christmas Heart". I did this in 2008, but this song never gets old. It's one his most beautiful songs, in my opinion. I love the lyrics. I hope you enjoy!!

Have a very Merry Christmas!!! Marinate in love, peace, and joy!!!


  1. Glad to read that things are well; where's your YouTube channel?

  2. Thanks, my friend!! You can find me at
